make note on web page
make note on web page

2021年10月11日—Thisextensionhelpsyoutohighlight,takenotesandannotateonwebpages.Beanotehelpsyouhighlightsentencesandimagesonanypartofany ...,2024年1月1日—-Manageallnotes-Settingstooverridedefaults-Pinnotetoanothernote,tounderlyingpage-Locknote-Loa...


2021年10月11日—Thisextensionhelpsyoutohighlight,takenotesandannotateonwebpages.Beanotehelpsyouhighlightsentencesandimagesonanypartofany ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


2021年10月11日 — This extension helps you to highlight, take notes and annotate on web pages. Beanote helps you highlight sentences and images on any part of any ...

Web Page Sticky Notes

2024年1月1日 — - Manage all notes - Settings to override defaults - Pin note to another note, to underlying page - Lock note - Load media - Take snapshot - RSS ...

Take notes on the web with their context

2021年9月24日 — I have developed a free open source chrome extension named context-note, aiming to provide a better way to take, search and review notes on ...

Write on the web

Learn how to ink, highlight, or take notes on web pages and share them with others ... Select Add notes to start adding to the page you're on. Use the Ballpoint ...

Forget bookmarks — Chrome now lets you jot down notes ...

2023年3月1日 — The way it works is simple — just right-click any part of a website and choose Add a note from the context menu, then jot down whatever's on ...

How to Add Sticky Notes to Webpages in Google Chrome ...

2022年12月14日 — Right-click somewhere on that webpage to select Add Note Here. Type the content inside the sticker. Then you can reposition the sticky on the ...

Web Page Sticky Note

Web Page Sticky Notes are great for anyone to take notes while reading any website page. These sticky notes stay on the page well after leaving the site.


2021年10月11日—Thisextensionhelpsyoutohighlight,takenotesandannotateonwebpages.Beanotehelpsyouhighlightsentencesandimagesonanypartofany ...,2024年1月1日—-Manageallnotes-Settingstooverridedefaults-Pinnotetoanothernote,tounderlyingpage-Locknote-Loadmedia-Takesnapshot-RSS ...,2021年9月24日—Ihavedevelopedafreeopensourcechromeextensionnamedcontext-note,aimingtoprovideabetterwaytotake,searchandrevie...